Between June 25 and July 4, European University Sports Association (EUSA) will organize a special sport event for young people, held in Tirana, Albania.
For nine consecutive days, Tirana will be colored by hundreds of young Europeans who will represent 28 of the best universities in Europe.
This championship will strongly influence the development of University Sports in Albania, academic exchanges, promotion of the city of Tirana, tourism, etc.
The "Tirana 2023" championship will provide an unrepeatable atmosphere, best crowning Tirana's year as the European capital of sport! With the title of Tirana Capital of Europe for Sport, projects aimed at connecting sports with the world of school will also be shared, an element that also increases the burden of responsibility at the national level. Sport is part of the great educational program and I believe that the union with public education is important, also in the light of what the mayor has already expressed in his program, so that we want and work for a city for our youth and children. Attention to sports is part of this journey, which goes from improving sports facilities to dialogue with business, the Albanian National Olympic Committee and national federations. Happy to be a citizen of Tirana!